Looking for Andriod app version for Lingbo controller LBMC_M_2.1.6(b14_0627).apk

Home Forums Hacks, mods and optimisations Looking for Andriod app version for Lingbo controller LBMC_M_2.1.6(b14_0627).apk

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  • Author
    • #5705
      Pasak SenawongsePasak Senawongse

      Did anyone have chance to download the android app apk for the Lingbo 72182?

      My best guess is it should be “LBMC_M_2.1.6(b14_0627).apk”.

      Current version of the android app doesn’t support my Lingbo version.

      Tried to email Lingbo support and no replies from them for almost a month already.

    • #5731
      Rene TRene

      I am also looking for a bluetooth android app that works on current phones!

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