Programming of Lingbo controllers

Home Forums Hacks, mods and optimisations Programming of Lingbo controllers

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    • #1438
      Eddy CurrentEddy Current

      I am having problems with connecting the USB adapter to the replacement controller, model LBMC072182HJ3A. I tried two USB/serial adapters, WIN 10 and XP on two computers, lower baud rates and buffers, but no avail. LBMC GUI shows timeout. PIN assignments on provided harness are

      VCC -> pin 29, GND -> pin7, Tx -> pin13 (or 23), Rx -> pin23 (or13).

      VCC and GND lines seem to match the controller, as the LED is slowly flashing. I am quite shure that my problem is wrong Rx and Tx connections.

      For orientation: orange wire (digital on/off signal) appears to be always on pin 10. Other assignments are inconsistent among controller models.

      Could anyone connect to the programming interface successfully? If so, which controller model do you have? I will contact ebuy seven for complete connector pinouts of my controller.

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    • #1442
      Sebastian RothmayerSebastian Rothmayer

      Hi Eddy,

      with which software you are attempt the connection ?

      i have first the same timeout problem and its important to use the right software Version for the Controller.

      By me worked the LBGUI_v121.18.0329

      Here are some Versions i found

      • #1458
        Eddy CurrentEddy Current

        Yep, your version worked. Thank you. I thought I had all versions.

      • #1688
        Jens PerssonJens Persson


        Where do I download the software? I’ve been to the lingbo page but can’t find any software.

        Also how do I connect the usb cable to the controller?


      • #1704
        Leo GeurLeo Geur

        Hi Jens,

        Did you already find a source of the software? I’m battling the lingbo controller 72352 and the LBGUI_v121.18.0329 software still gives a time out error, even if I switch on the ignition. But I’m also unable to find a list of software versions of the LBGUI.

        Or does one of you guys know what I need to use?

        • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Leo GeurLeo Geur.
      • #1723
        Jens PerssonJens Persson

        No I just downloaded from Sebastian.R’s google drive link. I don’t know if it’s the correct for me. I have the 2017 model. I don’t get the software to find the controller. I get the message “failed to open serial port com0 9600” even if I hav connected the controller or not. I don’t know if I have connected the pins correctly (See image). Have tried different positions. Also my computer is searching for drivers when I connect but it doesnt find any and I don’t know if its needed. This is really not my area so I hope someone can guide me in this.

        • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Jens PerssonJens Persson.
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    • #1504
      Eddy CurrentEddy Current

      I tried to reset tri speed key mode to “shift” because 2017 NIUs have a gear select switch. But there is no function, switch still acts like a button. so I changed the parameter to button mode and set power-on gear to 3, which I find handy.

      Next I will try to stop the moped from behaving like a wild horse. Setting thottle response to “soft” did not yield any effect, so I will play with upper and lower throttle voltages.

      • #1507
        Sunny BSunny

        This is very interesting! I love my new controller, but the startup in Mode 2 & 3 is extreme. Could you share your settings once you have found a good startup voltage value?

      • #5978
        Kees HouboltKees Houbolt

        Meanwhile, May 2024

        I purchased an UQI GT ext.
        Also an e-scoot controller 65+
        Same problem as you had.
        From standstill with a jerk forward like a wild horse.
        Not acceptable.
        How did you guys solve this problem at the time?
        Like to hear

    • #1727
      Rens HoekemaRens Hoekema

      Hello I got my new controller.
      I connected it and it is working great. But I also would like to have the first gear to have a max of 30 km/h .

      The kit included a usb cable, where do I connect it ?

      And a second thing is that my controller has a push ( pulse ) button. I don’t know what the function is of this button ?
      Do you guys know that ?

      • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Rens HoekemaRens Hoekema.
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    • #1733
      Rens HoekemaRens Hoekema

      Hey I was able to connect to the controller and changed the first gear speed. I see there is a setting called “speed limit function switch” . Does anyone know how to use it ?

      • #5882
        Kevin HennKevin Henn

        That is a really good question, i can’t find this anser anywhere, did you exceed to find out yet? Or somebody that knowing this?

    • #1821

      I have the same situation as Eddy and Rens, same controller, software keeps giving a timeout message (and same odd push button).

      The controller led blinks red indicating it has power. I have tried switching the rx/tx wires to see if that was the issue, but no luck. This leads me to believe the issue must be with the software. I have tried all different versions of software that is available, but it keeps giving the same message. Versions tried:
      LBMC GUI v.4.0.0
      LBMC GUI v.3.3.0
      LBGUI v.121.18
      LBGUI v.120.17

      Somewhere in a document I have seen that some controllers require <span>LBMCV2.1.3</span> to program but I cannot find this version available anywhere. Anyone have this version?

    • #1823
      Rens HoekemaRens Hoekema

      Hi LBGUI v.121.18 worked for me. Do not turn on the scooter when connecting It uses the USB for power.

    • #5825
      Emmanuel VincentEmmanuel Vincent

      Hi All,

      anyone to help me with v121.18.0329 software version ? got a Pioneer e-bike speed limited to 40km/h , want to increase speed limit but I am not sure which parameters to be adjusted , I assume it’s not the motor speed only…




    • #5845
      bob bobbybob bobby


      I was following a tutorial to change settings of a lingbo controller, but the plug on my scooter is different.

      The tutorial say to connect RXD to white cable (image 1), but my plug doesn’t have a white cable, so I tried connecting to the only unused pin on the 6 pin plug (image 2).

      When testing this layout, the USB to TTL stick only has a red LED on, but when I switch RXD and TXD I also get a blue LED (both timeout on every versions of LBMC i could find).

      The red LED is on when the USB in plugged but nothing else so I am guessing it indicates power.

      The blue probably indicate data transfer but should probably blink to show activity (since the best I could get was for it to stay lighted, the wiring is probably wrong).

      When openning my controller (ZWK060035 1200W) I found testpoints (image 3) with legends saying “3.3V SWCLK GND SWDIO GND TXD RXD” which could be a solutions, but is it safe to try?

      I will probably try with that in a few days, but i’m not sure yet how to have a reliable connection to those points (last resort will be soldering pins to the holes).

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      • #5908
        andrea volaandrea vola

        Thanks for share this, i have the same lifan with this controller.

        Testing the pins for continuity they are also on the big connector:

        13 tx

        23 rx

        6,7,16 gnd

        29 3.3 volts













    • #5851
      bob bobbybob bobby

      It worked by soldering pins to 3.3V GND TXD and RXD and using LBMC v121.18.0329

      my controller reference is ZWK060035 1200W

      in a Lifan E3 ( youbee city 50 / pink me )

      2 last pics shows default settings

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    • #5874
      kawel kawelkawel kawel

      hello how did you do because even soldering always an error

      data packet length error


      I tried all the versions without success

      I have the ch340g usb key buy on amazon


    • #5876
      bob bobbybob bobby

      Maybe make sure you have selected the right COM port, with the right properties :

      Open device manager and see which COM port is added to the list when you plug the CH340G in your computer)

      When I right click on it and show properties, in the port settings tab I see :

      Bits per seconde : 9600

      Data bits : 8

      Parity : none

      Stop bits : 1

      Flow control : none


      and here are the pins soldered :

    • #5877
      kawel kawelkawel kawel

      its still does not work I check the parameters but always error

      data packet length error

    • #5949
      Fabio AntoFabio Anto

      Hi guys,

      I’m trying to analyze the RS485 protocol of my SOCO CUX.

      The data I have seen are the followings:

      18:18:27.499 C5 5C 5A AA 1 97 96 0D
      18:18:27.543 B6 6B AA 5A 0A 42 4C 21 EF 0 0E 0 39 0 0 FD 0D
      18:18:27.642 C5 5C BA AA Const Const 0F 1D 1 10 12 0 0 0 3 1 0E 0 2D 72 0D
      18:18:27.665 B6 6B AA BA 1 0 1 0D
      18:18:27.771 C5 5C DA AA 2 0 0 2 0D
      18:18:27.794 B6 6B AA DA 0A 3 0 B1 1 1A 22 0 0 1 1 81 0D

      They repeat continuosly even if the key is turned OFF.

      I inserted two bytes as “Const” because they can be the serial number of the motor but this is just a my thought.

      I partially decoded some messages but there are a lot of things unclear. If someone can help me to decode these data please let me know.





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    • #5959
      Axel PervolianinenAxel Pervolianinen

      The super soco protocol has long been dismantled.

    • #5965
      Lukas MittendorferLukas Mittendorfer


      So i read all your comments about programming a lingbo Controller.

      I have a Super Soco Ts street Hunter and im trying to speed it up to around 75 Km/h and change some other settings


      I do only have the big connector (30 pins) and tried this:
      pin 6 or 7 or 16 GND, pin 13 RXD, pin 23 TXD and pin 29 3.3V.

      I tried these Versions:

      On Com port 4 as the device manager says. but i get a Timeout at every Version.

      Photo of Setup attached

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